Wide Range Assessment of Memory and Learning - Second Edition (WRAML-2)

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SKU: 3842011

A carefully standardized psychometric instrument that allows the user to evaluate an individual's memory functioning. The WRAML-2 affords the evaluation of both immediate and delayed memory ability, as well as the acquisition of new learning.

Four new recognition subtests have been added to the WRAML: Design Recognition, Picture Recognition, Verbal Recognition, and Story Memory Recognition.

This complete WRAML-2 Introductory Kit includes the following components:

  • WRAML-2 Administration and Scoring Manual
  • Examiner's Forms (25)
  • Picture Memory Response Forms (25)
  • Picture Memory Recognition Forms (25)
  • Design Memory Response Forms (25)
  • Design Memory Recognition Forms (25)
  • Picture Memory Scenes (4)
  • Design Memory Cards (5)
  • Finger Windows Card
  • Sound Symbol Booklet
  • Symbolic Working Memory Cards (2)
  • Soft case with a removable strap