A young boy learning math from an instructor

Creating students who love math and problem solving.


For individuals who get math, the language of numbers turns into imagery and they see mathematical relationships.


~ Nanci Bell and Kim Tuley

  • On Cloud Nine

    The On Cloud Nine® (OCN) program develops the ability to image and verbalize the concepts and processes of math. Concept imagery and numeral imagery are integrated with language to improve both mathematical reasoning and mathematical computation. 

    Learn more about On Cloud Nine 
  • The On Cloud Nine program is

"Students in my classroom that have gone through this program show amazing differences. They now have confidence in their math skills. They don't fear or hate math anymore!"

~ Joan, a teacher

On Cloud Nine FAQ


Nicole has difficulty learning math concepts and computation. She cannot think with numbers. She has been labeled with "dyscalculia" or as having a mathematics disorder. Despite many efforts, Nicole cannot process math concepts, do computation, retain math facts, or succeed with word problems.

A primary cause of math difficulty is an inability to image and verbalize the concepts underlying math processes. This is a combination of weak concept and symbol imagery. This weakness causes individuals to attempt to memorize facts instead of being able to think, reason, and problem solve with numbers. 

Individuals of all ages may experience the symptoms of an undiagnosed and untreated math dysfunction.

This causes weakness in:

  • Learning math family facts
  • Grasping mathematical relationships
  • Following proper mathematical operations
  • Solving word problems
  • Estimating
  • Higher level math

The On Cloud Nine® (OCN™) Math program stimulates the ability to image and verbalize the concepts underlying math processes. Concept and numerical imagery are integrated with language and applied to math computation and problem solving. OCN instruction improves both mathematical reasoning and mathematical computation.

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The OCN program develops concept and symbol imagery for math and integrates them with language. These sensory-cognitive functions underlie mathematical reasoning and computation. Unlike programs that rely only on manipulatives, OCN transitions to imagery and language to concretize mathematical concepts. Students go beyond rote memorization of math facts and operations, allowing them to perform higher levels of mathematical computation and reasoning.

Students of all ages and learning abilities can benefit from OCN instruction, including students with dyscalculia, learning disabilities, and students developing early arithmetic skills.

OCN supplements a Tier 1 core math program during early arithmetic instruction. OCN is also used remedially in Tier 2 and 3 interventions.

OCN provides systematic and differentiated instruction that increases conceptual understanding, fluency, and application. OCN develops the foundation for students to become independent and self-correcting in procedural skill, helping students meet the expectations of the Common Core. Download our free White Paper to learn how sensory-cognitive instruction supports the Common Core.

OCN uses explicit instruction to help English learners conceptualize math, with the sensory input of imagery as the basis. OCN lessons are systematic and scaffolded for increasing complexity, from numeral imagery to decimals and fractions.