Picturing Vocabulary!


Nanci Bell

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The Picturing Vocabulary! Book helps build oral vocabulary, an important component in language communication, by stimulating and developing the imagery-language connection. Students can image and learn over 400 pictures, each representing a common noun or verb. The pictures are presented in categories so that the student can begin to see each word as part of a larger whole. This book is especially helpful for students with weak receptive and expressive vocabulary, including young students and English-language learners.

  • Use to develop oral vocabulary
  • Use to develop and stimulate the imagery-language connection
  • Includes over 400 pictures and words to image and learn
  • Can be used on its own or with the Picturing Vocabulary! Cards and Tracking Chart

Also available in the Talkies® Kit.

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Smiling child holding up an Inspiring Stories Visualizing and Verbalizing book

Visualizing and Verbalizing

The Visualizing and Verbalizing® (V/V®) program develops concept imagery - the ability to create an imagined gestalt from language - as a basis for comprehension and higher order thinking. The development of concept imagery improves reading and listening comprehension, memory, oral vocabulary, critical thinking, and writing.

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