Imagine History


Nanci Bell

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This collection contains all four Imagine History books including The Discovery of America, 35,000 BCE-1763 CE (Grade 3), The Birth of America, 1492-1851 (Grade 4), The Battle for America, 1500-1865 (Grade 5), and The Rebuilding of America, 1847 CE to 1920 CE (Grade 5).

Reading and Content Level: Grades 3, 4, and 5 
Introducing our newest resource written to develop the imagery-language connection for comprehension. Our Imagine History curriculum applies the steps of Visualizing and Verbalizing for comprehensive coverage of American History.

  • Uniquely written to help students visualize history for recall, comprehension, and critical thinking
  • Integration of all steps of V/V or can be presented as a stand-alone resource
  • Extensive vocabulary-building practices
  • Supports content standards of most states
  • Includes primary source materials
  • Includes geography, infographics, and timeline pieces


The imagery-language connection presented throughout the Imagine History series provides a missing instructional piece to help students at all grade levels fill in historical information gaps.

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Smiling child holding up an Inspiring Stories Visualizing and Verbalizing book

Visualizing and Verbalizing

The Visualizing and Verbalizing® (V/V®) program develops concept imagery - the ability to create an imagined gestalt from language - as a basis for comprehension and higher order thinking. The development of concept imagery improves reading and listening comprehension, memory, oral vocabulary, critical thinking, and writing.

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