180 Days of Writing


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180 Days of Writing is an easy-to-use resource that provides teachers and parents with daily practice activities for kindergarten students to build writing and grammar skills. Students interact with mentor texts and then apply their learning by writing opinion, informative/explanatory, and narrative pieces. This excellent classroom resource features: 

  • 18 theme-based, two-week units—each aligned to one writing standard
  • A framework for students to practice steps of the writing process: prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing
  • Versatile daily practice pages that are easy to prepare and implement
  • Genre-specific rubrics that provide authentic assessment to help differentiate instruction
  • Digital resources including assessment-analysis tools
  • Correlated to the Common Core and other state standards


180 Days of Writing is an easy-to-use resource that provides teachers and parents with daily practice activities for students to build writing and grammar skills. Students interact with mentor texts and then apply their learning by writing opinion, informative/explanatory, and narrative pieces. This excellent classroom resource features: 

  • 18 theme-based, two-week units—each aligned to one writing standard.
  • A framework for students to practice steps of the writing process: prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing.
  • Versatile daily practice pages that are easy to prepare and implement.
  • Genre-specific rubrics that provide authentic assessment to help differentiate instruction.
  • Digital resources including assessment-analysis tools.
  • Correlated to the Common Core and other state standards.


180 Days of Writing is an easy-to-use resource that provides teachers and parents with daily practice activities for students to build writing and grammar skills. Students interact with mentor texts and then apply their learning by writing opinion, informative/explanatory, and narrative pieces. This excellent classroom resource features: 

  • 18 theme-based, two-week units—each aligned to one writing standard
  • A framework for students to practice steps of the writing process: prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing
  • Versatile daily practice pages that are easy to prepare and implement
  • Genre-specific rubrics that provide authentic assessment to help differentiate instruction
  • Digital resources including assessment-analysis tools
  • Correlated to the Common Core and other state standards


180 Days of Writing is an easy-to-use resource that provides teachers and parents with daily practice activities for students to build writing and grammar skills. Students interact with mentor texts and then apply their learning by writing opinion, informative/explanatory, and narrative pieces. This excellent classroom resource features: 

  • 18 theme-based, two-week units—each aligned to one writing standard
  • A framework for students to practice steps of the writing process: prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing
  • Versatile daily practice pages that are easy to prepare and implement
  • Genre-specific rubrics that provide authentic assessment to help differentiate instruction
  • Digital resources including assessment-analysis tools
  • Correlated to the Common Core and other state standards


180 Days of Writing is an easy-to-use resource that provides teachers and parents with daily practice activities for students to build writing and grammar skills. Students interact with mentor texts and then apply their learning by writing opinion, informative/explanatory, and narrative pieces. This excellent classroom resource features: 

  • 18 theme-based, two-week units—each aligned to one writing standard
  • A framework for students to practice steps of the writing process: prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing
  • Versatile daily practice pages that are easy to prepare and implement
  • Genre-specific rubrics that provide authentic assessment to help differentiate instruction
  • Digital resources including assessment-analysis tools
  • Correlated to the Common Core and other state standards


180 Days of Writing is an easy-to-use resource that provides teachers and parents with daily practice activities for students to build writing and grammar skills. Students interact with mentor texts and then apply their learning by writing opinion, informative/explanatory, and narrative pieces. This excellent classroom resource features: 

  • 18 theme-based, two-week units—each aligned to one writing standard
  • A framework for students to practice steps of the writing process: prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing
  • Versatile daily practice pages that are easy to prepare and implement
  • Genre-specific rubrics that provide authentic assessment to help differentiate instruction
  • Digital resources including assessment-analysis tools
  • Correlated to the Common Core and other state standards


180 Days of Writing is an easy-to-use resource that provides teachers and parents with daily practice activities for students to build writing and grammar skills. Students interact with mentor texts and then apply their learning by writing opinion, informative/explanatory, and narrative pieces. This excellent classroom resource features: 

  • 18 theme-based, two-week units—each aligned to one writing standard
  • A framework for students to practice steps of the writing process: prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing
  • Versatile daily practice pages that are easy to prepare and implement
  • Genre-specific rubrics that provide authentic assessment to help differentiate instruction
  • Digital resources including assessment-analysis tools
  • Correlated to the Common Core and other state standards
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