• Blog & News

    Response to Intervention (4)

    Closing the Achievement Gap in Canon City Schools

    Closing the Achievement Gap in Canon City Schools

    One year into implementing an Early Literacy Grant, Canon City School District in Colorado is seeing significant growth for some of its lowest performing students. More importantly, by targeting students...

    Closing the Achievement Gap in Canon City Schools

    One year into implementing an Early Literacy Grant, Canon City School District in Colorado is seeing significant growth for some of its lowest performing students. More importantly, by targeting students...

    Teachers in Jamaica Are Taking Instruction to the Next Level

    Teachers in Jamaica Are Taking Instruction to t...

    After attending introductory workshops this past spring, teachers in Jamaica are now engaged in language and literacy instruction. Educators trained in the Seeing Stars (for Reading and Spelling) and Visualizing...

    Teachers in Jamaica Are Taking Instruction to t...

    After attending introductory workshops this past spring, teachers in Jamaica are now engaged in language and literacy instruction. Educators trained in the Seeing Stars (for Reading and Spelling) and Visualizing...

    Sandals Foundation

    Helping Students Around the Globe Reach Their F...

    This month, teachers in Jamaica were introduced to Lindamood-Bell’s® Visualizing and Verbalizing (V/V) and Seeing Stars programs. This professional development opportunity was facilitated by the Sandals Foundation (‘the Sandals Foundation’)...

    Helping Students Around the Globe Reach Their F...

    This month, teachers in Jamaica were introduced to Lindamood-Bell’s® Visualizing and Verbalizing (V/V) and Seeing Stars programs. This professional development opportunity was facilitated by the Sandals Foundation (‘the Sandals Foundation’)...

    Sensory-Cognitive Instruction and Response to Intervention — A Paradigm Shift

    Sensory-Cognitive Instruction and Response to I...

    Congratulations! You have just completed a Seeing Stars®, Visualizing and Verbalizing®, or On Cloud Nine® Math Workshop, or have recently begun using any one of our research-validated programs. Now you're...

    Sensory-Cognitive Instruction and Response to I...

    Congratulations! You have just completed a Seeing Stars®, Visualizing and Verbalizing®, or On Cloud Nine® Math Workshop, or have recently begun using any one of our research-validated programs. Now you're...