The Visualizing and Verbalizing® instructor's kit, pictured here, includes print resources used by teachers and students. Below is a description of each component along with links to digital images for review purposes.


V/V® Teacher's Manual

The Teacher’s Manual includes the theoretical and research base supporting the role of concept imagery for language comprehension, recall, higher order thinking, and writing. The manual is organized into chapters for each step of the program, following a systematic and cumulative progression including: pictures, single word vocabulary, sentence comprehension, and text comprehension from simple to complex.

V/V® Progress Monitoring Charts

This chart presents the scope and sequence of the program and allows instructors and students to chart their progression through the steps and activities. Kit includes a packet of 30 for multiple student use.

V/V® Picture to Picture Easel Book

Pictures from the easel book are introduced during the Picture to Picture Step of V/V. Pictures are composed of simple and common images for students to be able to verbalize the relevant key details. Includes 42 illustrations for students to describe. The backside of each picture includes questions and prompts for the teacher to generate more verbalization from students.

V/V® Word Imaging Easel Book

Pictures from this easel book are introduced as an optional step during the Word Imaging Step of V/V for students who have difficulty creating their own mental image of the word without a picture prompt. The prompt is shown to the student and then taken away, and the student visualizes and verbalizes from memory. Includes 17 illustrations for students to describe. The backside of each picture includes questions and prompts for the teacher to generate more verbalization from students.

V/V® Stories Collection

The V/V Stories are used starting with the Sentence by Sentence Step through the Whole Page Imaging Step. Each volume (three books in the collection) includes individual stories in short paragraph form, graded K - 8. Each grade level contains 12 short stories. Content progresses from simple to complex text, and increases from concrete to abstract material. Students read and/or listen to the text (read by the teacher) and visualize and verbalize the content, with questioning and prompting from the teacher for relevant imagery, recall, and comprehension.

Click here to view all of the books.

V/V® Small and Medium Structure Words

Structure Words are introduced during the Picture to Picture Step and used through the Sentence by Sentence Step. These 12 Words are used to prompt students to visualize and verbalize the most important details of a given picture. The Structure Words are also used as an optional strategy for application of V/V to writing. The kit includes multiple sets of small Structure Word cards for each student in a group to use, and one medium size set for the teacher to use with a group or classroom.

V/V® Illustrated Structure Word Posters

Illustrated Structure Word Posters are an optional resource for younger or more impaired students who cannot decode the words or have difficulty understanding the concept of the word. Posters are 12” by 17” for display for a larger group or whole classroom.

Colored Felts

Various colored squares (made of felt material) are introduced at the Sentence by Sentence Step of V/V. The squares provide a tactile, visual placeholder for students to anchor their imagery from each sentence in a short paragraph. During the Picture Summary of the step, students are asked to touch and recall their imagery of each square (sentence) from the text.

Magic Stones

Magic Stones are an optional resource to increase student engagement and participation, if necessary. Stones may be used as a recognition or motivation tool and for providing nonverbal feedback to help students stay on task.

V/V® Supplemental Resources

Vanilla Vocabulary

Vanilla Vocabulary is an optional resource for more systematic and explicit vocabulary practice. It is applied with the Word Imaging and Single Sentence Imaging Steps of V/V. Each word is defined and then used in sentences for the student to visualize and verbalize. Space is provided for students to write their own sentences to demonstrate their understanding of the meaning. A companion reader (Ivan Sleeps Over) includes some of the words in context, for additional practice. This resource is used for differentiating instruction for students with limited English vocabulary.

Click here to view grade 1-3 books.

Imagine That!

The V/V® Imagine That! Stories each have over 50 stories to develop imagery for oral and written language comprehension. These challenging, high-imagery stories introduce true, fun, and unusual topics for students to visualize and interpret. Each single or multi-paragraph story is followed by Higher Order Thinking questions. Imagine That! Stories are available as separate books or in graded sets of three: Original (a mix of story subjects), Fascinating People, and Wonders of the Natural World.

Click here to view grade K-3 books.

V/V® Workbooks

Visualizing and Verbalizing® Workbooks provide high-imagery stories and activities to reinforce imagery and improve comprehension. Each graded set includes three books: A, B, and C. Books A and B contain 20 single paragraph stories about fascinating people, animals, events, and subjects. Book C has 24 single and multi-paragraph stories. Each story is followed by questions and activities designed to develop imagery and critical thinking. There are two sets of workbooks available in each grade from 2 through 6. The second set follows the same format as the first, and is meant to provide additional stories for V/V® practice.

Click here to view grade 2-3 books.