Programs Help Transform Low-performing School

After a three-year school improvement initiative, Haskin Elementary in Center, Colorado beat the odds and turned around its low achieving status. Lindamood-Bell partnered with Haskin to implement a new way to develop reading and math skills. With over 90% of its students in poverty and over 50% English learners, Haskin outperformed all other School Improvement Grant (SIG) schools in the state. Over the 3-year grant period (2010-2013), the average increase in the percent of students performing at Proficient or Advanced on the state's standards-based assessment was 29 points, compared to only a combined 7.5-point increase for all other SIG schools in Colorado. George Welsh, Superintendent of Center School District, observed the impact of the Lindamood-Bell® programs on his struggling students and stated, "For anyone who has ever felt their below-benchmark readers have been permanently wedged in place, the Lindamood-Bell intervention process serves as a crowbar to unstick them, allowing them to eventually take flight and catch up to the other kids at their grade level." Watch the following video of Haskin's Turnaround success.